Revelation 1:9, “I, Yochanan, your Ach b’Moshiach and your fellow partaker taking the chelek (inheritance) in the tzarah (trouble, Mt 24:15f),
the Chevlai Moshiach (birthpangs of Moshiach), and the Malchut
(Kingdom) and the savlanut (patient endurance) in Moshiach‖I was on the
island called Patmos because of the Dvar Hashem and the eidus (witness)
of [Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach] Yehoshua. [SHEMOT 20:18; DANIEL 8:1]“
Every follower of Jesus Christ must be a
good soldier of Jesus Christ, who suffered for the Lord Jesus Christ.
For to us not only given to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, but also
to suffer for the Lord Jesus Christ. And the Lord Jesus Christ has
provided His reward for us. Because we are the heirs, that is, people
who are eligible to receive the promises of the Father, who will receive
it together with Christ, and if we suffer together with Him, that we
may be also glorified together with Him. Therefore, as the followers of
the Lord Jesus Christ, then we must have the right attitude according to
the Word of God, that is:
1. Do not be afraid of what we have suffered.
John 16:33, “ These things I have spoken to you that in me you may have shalom. In the Olam Hazeh you have tribulation; but have lev same’ach. I have conquered the Olam Hazeh.”; Romans 8:17, “ And if bnei HaElohim, then also yoreshim (heirs) of G-d and co-heirs (Ro 4:13) together with Moshiach, provided that we suffer with him in order that we might also be set in kavod (glory, eschatological glorification) with him.”
2. Obeying the Word of God, to persevere Jesus Christ.
James 5:7-8, “Have zitzfleisch (patience), therefore, Achim b’Moshiach, until the Bias HaMoshiach, the Coming of Moshiach Adoneinu. Hinei, the ikar (farmer) awaits the precious p’ri haAdamah (fruit of the earth), having zitzfleisch (patience) for it until it receives the Yoreh (first autumn rain) and the Malkosh (spring rain). [Dt 11:14; Jer 5:24; Joel 2:23] You must also have zitzfleisch. Strengthen your levavot, because the Bias HaMoshiach, the Coming of Moshiach Adoneinu, has drawn near.“; Revelation 3:10, “Because you were shomer over my dvar of savlanut (patient endurance), I will also be shomer over you, guarding you from the sha’at hanisayon (hour of trial) about to come upon the Olam Hazeh, to try all the ones of the inhabited world, all the ones dwelling upon the earth.“
3. Worship the Lord Jesus Christ.
Revelation 12:11, “And they won the nitzachon (victory) over the Dragon NACHASH because of the dahm of the SEH (Lamb, SHEMOT 12:22-23; YESHAYAH 53:7, Moshiach) and because of the dvar of the eidushaft (testimony) of them and because they did not have ahavah for their neshamot unto Mavet and were willing to die al kiddush ha-Shem.”; Revelation 19:10, “And I fell before his feet to worship him. And he says to me, “You must abstain from such. For I am a fellow eved with both you and your chaverim who hold on to the edut (testimony) of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach; worship Hashem! For the edut (testimony) of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua is the Ruach HaNevu’ah (prophecy).“